So recently I was reading some of my friends blogs... (They finally updated) and I read one post that seemed a bit one sided in my opinion... but as I was reading this I realized that it went both ways... and she did say that if guys founded something confusing about girls to tell her. Well I decided to not just tell her... but to mirror her whole deal. but before you read mine.. Read Hers.
1. Its hard for a guy to tell if a girl likes you. Its not all of the time but it can be. Girls can bat their eyes or make eye contact, but its not always true. so its not the one girl... its the consensus. 10 girls will suggest that they like you, but 6 of them will have boy friends, 2 of them are just playing a sport and the other two probably genuinely like you.
2. That damn text on girls' shirts! why do they wear that clothes and yell at men for reading it. I can understand if the guy is "reading" for more than 3 minutes, but at every guy. I've been slapped because during conversation she took her sweater off and I read her shirt. The girl then proceeded to tell me "Just because I take off my sweater does not mean that you are invited to stare." awkward... My solution; if you are so paranoid about guys "reading" your shirt, just don't wear those shirts.
3. Why do girls always travel in packs? okay... packs is too animalistic but it's true; girls travel in packs, mobs, unions, schools, groups, entourages, leagues, classes, or some sort of word that is synonymous with "A group of 3 or more". I say 3 because rarely do you find them in 2's.. and if you do... the other girl is like that uncomfortable tumor that you cannot stop staring at. Some times they separate from their giant alliance... but they separate with their partner, and usually just to go to the bathroom. This is why guys hardly ever approach a girl... because she is covered with leeches... I mean friends.
4. Why are girls so obsessed with the phone. Its not just the whole "you have to call" deal but it's also out and about. Its not 100 percent of girls but pretty close to 90 percent of girls. Many girls seem to be attached to their phone. they won't leave without it, they will not miss a call or a text. even when you are on a date, in the movies or just kicking back. They seem to have the phone. Here's the stinger too, if they miss a phone call, it's because they were busy or something but there is no excuse if a guy doesn't pick up.
5. I understand the whole male dominance crap, but if girls want equal rights and treatment, then they can start by asking the guy out. I wouldn't find it odd, I'd find it somewhat relieving. It seems it would be easier and with less mixed signals. Like that if a taken girl asks you out and the boyfriend catches you... you can say she asked AND IT WOULD BE TRUE!!
6. Now here's another thing that I haven't personally dealt with, my friends have, but I haven't and I feel it should be addressed. Why do girls tease and offer, but when the time comes they don't deliver? That's all I am gonna say. Only because I don't really have a say in this topic.
7. Why do girls expect the guy to be 100% aware of everything going on. All I understand is that if your crying then you are sad, if you are red then you are angry, and so on. I cannot understand every emotion that flows through you. I also don't know what the problem is. If I'm not trying to fix my mistake, its because I don't know what the problem is. If I don't know its for a reason, maybe miscommunication, ignorance or just stupidity... point is: If I don't know what the problem is, Then I'm not gonna try to fix it.
8. Here's something that I also feel should be addressed. Boobs. not some guys will definitely differ with me when it comes to this topic and specially with what I am about to say, but put those things away. Yeah I like boobs... sue me, but I don't like it when they're sticking halfway out of the shirt and you see them popping out gasping for air from how tight the shirt is. My solution? cover them up completely or not at all. now I'm not saying wear turtle necks but please do cover them... although I do like the v-cut shirts... but thats just personal preference. tee hee.
9. Now I don't really want to seem superficial because almost everything that I'm talking about now is physical, but these things should be addressed. Anorexic girls... If I can see the white of your ribs through your skin... you need a baconator from Wendy's... please. I personally find it disgusting, I mean if the girl is stretching it's fine but if your just lounging around and those thing are having a conversation with me... then I'm pretty sure that's not healthy. Now, I'm not telling girls to go out there and gorge yourself into obesity, but I do like a LITTLE something to hold on to when I give a girl a hug. Just not too much.
9.5. Yes this is the second half about peoples bodies... it's short and simple. Girls, don't expect every guy to be either Orlando Bloom thin or Fat Bastard FAT.
10. Why do girls want the guy that ignores them and treats them like crap? why do they go after the third grade education jock? they go after them and complain that they don't pay attention to them, or that they hurt them, or just complain. what girls don't realize is that the guy you call "Just a Friend" is the guy that will go to the end of the earths for you, He will treat you like the most beautiful rose in the world regardless of how you feel or look, he is also the guy that will be there for you always and will be totally honest with you. The reason he is still a friend after you call him "Just a Friend" is because he likes/loves you enough to endure that title for you. Like a Wall. He will always be there to support you. He is also the guy that you so cruelly ask "Why are you still single?" yep, that's just salt on the wound. He likes/loves you enough to accept that you are happy with another man and just wants to see you happy... with or without him.
Why is this longer than others? because that's the one that I feel strongest about. Many times I have been given the title (and currently someone else has given it to me... joy) and been forced to sit on the sidelines... So I just feel strongly about being Just a Friend/Wall.
So that's basically my side of the situation. I don't know how many guys or girls would agree with me. But that's basically it. If you have anything to say just leave it in a comment... I love logging in to find my blog covered in comments... please. you are officially encouraged to post comments on my blog!
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