Friday, December 25, 2009

Aldo Renaissance

{This post has a Table of contents... fancy.}
0 - The Prequel
1 - The Root of the Problem
2 - Late Date
3 - And It Hit Me
4 - The Renaissance
5 - The Journal
6 - End Game

So I decided to better myself during this last Holiday season.


Wanna know more?

Okay, you got me.

Alright, so I really do wanna better myself, but it's not because of the damn holiday cheer, Its because of God and a Girl. I'll explain, but I do want to point out that I'm not religious, but I do believe in a god... cough cough.

Alright, So I have to start with this from the beginning, and if you've heard this story before, then you're probably gonna get a little more info than previous versions of this story.

#0 - The Prequel.
So this whole story starts out with one happy day of mine. I'm working on some sketches for my figure drawing class (My friend Nick's head studies) and I'm just kinda relaxing and drawing and stuff, and my friends and I decide to move from our couches to some corner of the room. Nothing special. Minutes later this random girl with a Pokemon backpack sits where we were and asks me if she can move some backpacks, I casually reply and say "I don't know whose those are.. Go ahead." She chuckled and continued with her business. I get a bright idea, I ask what her name is and introduce myself. Her name was Jessica. I didn't see her for weeks after that, so I thought nothing of it.

#1 - The Root of the Problem.
So A couple of months (or weeks) ago I had fallen for a girl, but I fell into one of my depression cycles and got all depressed, I didn't want to date, but I hated myself for not wanting to, and I eventually felt like crap, until I saw what things made me insecure and added to my (usually manageable) depression; A lack of: Musical Talent, Money, Physical Looks. Those things kill me (as well as my occasional lack of singing talent).
So, like most people raised in a God loving home, I prayed. I prayed a little, not a lot, in fact I wouldn't say it was praying, it was more like "Damn it god, Why am I fat?". Well, he responded as he often does in mysterious ways, he presented me with an oppor -

[Let me interject here and explain why I'm about to say, "and opportunity". I was watching Evan Almighty and Mr. Freeman/GOD said "When people pray for patience, does he give them patience or give them the opportunity to be patient?". That's why, but in my case, he also gave me a little more.]

- tunity. He presented me Jessica. My friend Mike met her at an Anime Convention and I guess he liked her (don't know, don't care; He later got a girlfriend of his own) and through him I reintroduced myself to this girl. We talked and stuff, that was actually it, there was no stuff, it was just talk. So I asked her out on a date. Well, I invited her to a movie, then I offered to pay, then I made it into a date (it's how I roll).

#2 - A Late Date.
We went on a date that went rather well. Unlike every single other date I've been on, I was actually enjoying myself, not worrying about impressing her or stepping in throw up or wasting time with something to do. It was fun.

[Now another thing about her before I continue is that in a couple of weeks (beginning of January) she's leaving for Florida to do a school work thing as a character actress. Pretty cool, no?]

And afterward it was just talking. We haven't hung out or anything of the like. I even built up the guts to ask if there was a chance to have something serious between the two of us, or if it was just fun friend... ness. She said she didn't know.

#3 - And It Hit Me.
And it hit me, she was my opportunity. Not saying she was sent from god or anything like that, but she was presented to me in such a way. God basically said "you want her, no? well get feeling better about you first. She's leaving for a while, that gives you time to get your shit together. Now do it or don't, its up to you." that's when I kinda went, yeah, Lets not get depressed cause she's leaving and leaving me all lonely here and [insert stupid lover teen depression expression here] stuff!!

#4 - The Renaissance.
So the way I see it, God here has given me 4 months to: Work out, Learn Guitar, Get a better Job and take some vocal lessons. So what are the chances of my doing all this? Not much, in fact I think I'm only going to work out and learn guitar, but its okay, cause the point of this renaissance is for me to feel better about myself; If I don't love me, why would anyone else want to?

#5 - The Journal.
Originally, I was going to keep a blog about it, talking about my progress in fitness, vocal lessons, guitar and jobness, well, I started it and killed it, mostly cause I suck at maintaining blogs, instead I'm keeping a journal. Its originally meant to be my improv journal, but considering all the changes that are happening to me, I think its improtant to keep all this together, even improv is changing and I get the feeling that this is gonna come together (< Beatles reference) at some point in some significant way.

#6 - End Game.
so what's the point and how is Jessica involved in all this? Well, this is mostly for me to feel comfortable, to stop procrastinating, and to be an all around better person. Jessica is my goal, I want a relationship with her, but I don't know how she feels quite yet, but even if she decides to leave it at just friends, I'll be happy. But to restate, she's pretty much my goal and what's keeping me determined to accomplish all these things I want.

Well, that's the story on how I'm going to better myself. Hopefully it works out for the best.

1 comment:

Rossy said...

ok, first of all, I love reading anything you write :) it's always so eloquent and clear...just sayin.

and good for you! I hope your plan works out for the best...

if you want to do vocal training, you can do it through slcc :) you should do it from my teacher, she's amazing. Her name is kathryn monson. text me if you want more info :)