So, Another year has started and the previous one has ended. It’s a good time to look back and see what we learned and how we can all suck a little less this coming year.
So, I’m going to look back. What did I learn?
I’m not really a visually creatively talented person. My whole life I wanted to draw, but I never had the passion or spark for it.
School and Work mix… in small amounts. A couple of semesters ago I had a job and school, both part time. I did great in school. This year I had Full-Time school and work. Not too well. I need to find a balance.
I’m afraid of commitment. Relationships suck, but I’m determined to have one with no regrets going into it.
I’m kind of a selfish douche. It sucks, I learned it, but it’s something I get to work on.
Now, what about this year. What do you got coming?
Well, I don’t have too much coming to me. Which is nice. I have school and my job to look forward to. But there are something I want to improve on.
Being Well Trained. I became a supervisor within 6 months of working where I do. I never got properly trained to do everything I need to know. So, My goal is to finish all of my training for my job.
New Major. Like I previously said,I suck at art. That’s why I’m switching my major to something I’m much better at. Writing. Well, technically, blogging (cause I do it so regularly, right?). I’m switching my major to Communications. I want to write and I want to report, pretty much, what I want to do is have my voice be heard. I’m always reading blogs and keeping up with news and such, its a passion I never really knew I had. To do this though, I do need to go speak with the head of the Communications Department and get going on that. Also, that’s why I’m not going to school this spring semester, I need a little break and most the classes I need are already taken up.
Money Management. I need to better track what I do with my money and where it goes. I think I’m wasting more of it than I should. Know what I mean? Definitely something I’m doing by tracking my money and keeping better accounts on my payments.
The House. I need to be more involved in my own home. I want to help clean up and maintain everything a little better. It seems that in 2010 I became detached, and I kind of regret that.
Anyways, Those are the things I want to improve. You could call them resolutions.
Apart from those, I do have a list of challenges for the whole year. Here’s the list.
Blog Work. I do need to get into the habit of reviewing and blogging and such, here’s how I plan to work on this:
I will rent and review 1 movie per week.
I will watch at least 2 movies in theaters every month.
I will review a new CD every 2 weeks.
I will redesign my website and maintain it better.
I will focus on my Comm. Classes better and pass with a B or better.
Artistic Creativity. Now, I did drop my design major, but I’m not going to drop the arts. I love them and they helped me become who I am, I think by improving in the arts, I’ll improve my self. Here’s how I plan to work on this:
I will read 5 books in this year.
I will draw 1 whole image per week. (This means, sketching, inking and coloring; minimum.)
I will practice my guitar for 40 minutes 5 days a week.
I will be able to play 5 full songs from memory on the guitar by years end.
I also want to relax and have fun and I want to be emotionally fulfilled. So for this I also set up a couple of fun challenges for me to do in the year. These should be fun.
I want to have several photo shoots.
I want to play all the Final Fantasy games from 6 to 12.
I want to play all of the Kingdom Hearts series.
I want to kiss in the rain.
I want to kiss in the snow.
At the end of it all I do have a resolution. I even have little check points to keep me on track.
My resolution for 2011 is to lose 60 pounds.
My checkpoints include, but certainly are not limited to these:
March 20: Have lost 15-20 pounds
May 20: Have lost 15-20 more pounds [Total 30]
August: Have lost 10-15 more pounds [Total 40/45]
November: Have lost 10-15 more pounds [Total 55/60]
December 20: Have lost 60 pounds total.
Realistically this may be a little unhealthy at some points, maybe. I’m not one hundred percent sure, also, I’m going to allow myself leeway in that I may not lose weight, but I may gain muscle. If that’s the case, then I’m okay with no losing the wanted weight, overall, I want to be more fit, but I wanted to be more specific with actual documentable goals.
Anyways, I hope everything goes well for all of you and expect to hear from me a lot more this year.
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